Leslie Davenport
collective transformation
planetary health
Climate Distress, Emotional Resiliency, and Collaborative Action
With more of us awakening to the reality of the climate crisis, our collective psyche is experiencing a huge emotional toll, with distress rising in tandem with climate impacts. Climate psychology helps us channel eco-anxiety, eco-grief, and rage into action, and develop emotional strategies to stay engaged in climate solutions without becoming overwhelmed or burned-out.
Climate Psychology brings a relevant understanding of complex human behavior to environmental sustainability efforts, exploring the intersectionality of climate, psychology, education, social justice, media, and policy. Individuals, communities, and organizations can cultivate effective tools for building resiliency and leveraging the full range of our human capacities toward addressing the deep challenges of our times.
Leslie Davenport leads the Climate Psychology Certification Training at the California Institute of Integral Studies and is a climate psychology consultant with offices in Tacoma, WA and the San Francisco Bay Area.

Emotional Resiliency in the Era of Climate Change: A Clinician's Guide
Healing and Transformation Through Self-Guided Imagery
Cultivating the Imagination for Healing, Change, and Growth: Transformative Imagery
All the Feelings Under the Sun: How to Deal with Climate Change
What to Do When Climate Change Scares You
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