Leslie Davenport

collective transformation

planetary health

Climate Distress, Emotional Resiliency,                      and Collaborative Action

With more of us awakening to the reality of the climate crisis, our collective psyche is experiencing a huge emotional toll, with distress rising in tandem with climate impacts. Climate psychology helps us channel eco-anxiety, eco-grief, and rage into action, and develop emotional strategies to stay engaged in climate solutions without becoming overwhelmed or burned-out.

Climate Psychology brings a relevant understanding of complex human behavior to environmental sustainability efforts, exploring the intersectionality of climate, psychology, education, social justice, media, and policy. Individuals, communities, and organizations can cultivate effective tools for building resiliency and leveraging the full range of our human capacities toward addressing the deep challenges of our times.

Leslie Davenport leads the Climate Psychology Certification Training at the California Institute of Integral Studies and is a climate psychology consultant with offices in Tacoma, WA and the San Francisco Bay Area.

Photo by Patricia Kay Spinks


Emotional Resiliency in the Era of Climate Change

Emotional Resiliency in the Era of Climate Change: A Clinician's Guide

Healing and Transformation Through Self-Guided Imagery

Healing and Transformation Through Self-Guided Imagery

Cultivating the Imagination for Healing, Change, and Growth: Transformative Imagery

Cultivating the Imagination for Healing, Change, and Growth: Transformative Imagery

All the Feelings Under the Sun: How to Deal with Climate Change

What to Do When Climate Change Scares You

Christiana Figueres

“In her unique style, Leslie Davenport takes us through a remarkable journey of self and planet.”

Former Executive Secretary of the UN Convention on Climate Change

Leslie Davenport

Former Executive Secretary of the UN Convention on Climate Change

“In her unique style, Leslie Davenport takes us through a remarkable journey of self and planet.”

Joanna Macy

“Breaking new ground with healing responses to climate chaos, Leslie Davenport brings not only abundant psychological methodology, but also deep ecological wisdom. This is a book of rare significance.”

Author of Coming Back to Life

Leslie Davenport

Author of Coming Back to Life

“Breaking new ground with healing responses to climate chaos, Leslie Davenport brings not only abundant psychological methodology, but also deep ecological wisdom. This is a book of rare significance.”

Brian Thomas Swimme

“As we enter this revolutionary time on the planet, Leslie Davenport breaks new ground in synthesizing climate science, conscious self-awareness of our interconnectedness with all species and the living earth, ecological psychology, and deep resiliency practices that provide practical guidance for a sustainable future.”

Professor of cosmology at the California Institute of Integral Studies, and author of The Hidden Heart of the Cosmo

Leslie Davenport

Professor of cosmology at the California Institute of Integral Studies, and author of The Hidden Heart of the Cosmo

“As we enter this revolutionary time on the planet, Leslie Davenport breaks new ground in synthesizing climate science, conscious self-awareness of our interconnectedness with all species and the living earth, ecological psychology, and deep resiliency practices that provide practical guidance for a sustainable future.”

Larry Dossey, MD

“We humans are endowed with an incredible capacity for health, healing, balance, and transformation: the gift of mental imagery. Transformative Imagery reveals how this universal ability can be enlisted in increasing anyone’s level of joy, meaning, and fulfillment.”

Author of One Mind: How Our Individual Mind is Part of a Greater Consciousness and Why it Matters

Leslie Davenport

Author of One Mind: How Our Individual Mind is Part of a Greater Consciousness and Why it Matters

“We humans are endowed with an incredible capacity for health, healing, balance, and transformation: the gift of mental imagery. Transformative Imagery reveals how this universal ability can be enlisted in increasing anyone’s level of joy, meaning, and fulfillment.”

Behnam Tabrizi

Transformative Imagery  provides a template for significant change on both personal and professional levels. It is a highly recommended read for anyone ready to embark and succeed with transformational change.”

Author of The Inside Out Effect

Leslie Davenport

Author of The Inside Out Effect

“Transformative Imagery  provides a template for significant change on both personal and professional levels. It is a highly recommended read for anyone ready to embark and succeed with transformational change.”

Fr. Richard Rohr, OFM

“It’s often assumed that imagination is a fantasy flight away from reality. But paradoxically, Transformative Imagery is just the opposite. The practice ushers us into deep inner spaciousness where we experience the immediacy of the Present, bringing into focus the Real which dwells within.”

Author of What the Mystics Know: Seven Pathways to Your Deeper Self

Leslie Davenport

Author of What the Mystics Know: Seven Pathways to Your Deeper Self

“It’s often assumed that imagination is a fantasy flight away from reality. But paradoxically, Transformative Imagery is just the opposite. The practice ushers us into deep inner spaciousness where we experience the immediacy of the Present, bringing into focus the Real which dwells within.”

Linda Graham

“…this beautiful book (is) the loveliest introduction to and immersion in the practice of guided imagery I have ever seen… Guided imagery, as presented in this book, becomes more than self-help; it becomes a tool of self-realization.”

Author of Bouncing Back: Rewiring Your Brain for Maximum Resilience and Well-Being

Leslie Davenport

Author of Bouncing Back: Rewiring Your Brain for Maximum Resilience and Well-Being

“…this beautiful book (is) the loveliest introduction to and immersion in the practice of guided imagery I have ever seen… Guided imagery, as presented in this book, becomes more than self-help; it becomes a tool of self-realization.”

Belleruth Naparstek

“One thing comes clear when reading this book:  Leslie has the chops – she’s an experienced, insightful, creative guide and master practitioner who knows whereof she speaks…  It’s a great resource for anyone who wants to apply guided imagery to their own issues, struggles and questions.”

Author of Staying Well with Guided Imagery

Leslie Davenport

Author of Staying Well with Guided Imagery

“One thing comes clear when reading this book:  Leslie has the chops – she’s an experienced, insightful, creative guide and master practitioner who knows whereof she speaks…  It’s a great resource for anyone who wants to apply guided imagery to their own issues, struggles and questions.”

Martin L. Rossman, MD

“She is a moving storyteller whose deeply spiritual approach is balanced by her sense of pragmatism and humor.”

Author of Fighting Cancer from Within

Leslie Davenport

Author of Fighting Cancer from Within

“She is a moving storyteller whose deeply spiritual approach is balanced by her sense of pragmatism and humor.”
Leslie Davenport


Leslie has appeared in:

The Atlantic Magazine
The Atlantic Magazine
The Atlantic Magazine
The Atlantic Magazine
Mother Jones Magazine
Self Magazine